Dank je wel Peet! Ik voel me zeer vereerd, nu moet ik nog een tal van vragen invullen over mezelf en beantwoorden in 1 woord. Doe het wel lekker in het Nederlands :P
1: where is your cell phone? Hobbykamer
2: your hair? Bruin
3: your mother? Karin
4: your father? Paul
5: your favorite food? Gehaktballetjes
6: your dream last night? Indiaan
7: your favorite drink? Koffie
8: your dream/gaol? Gelukkig
9: what room are you in? Hobbykamer :P
10: your hobby? Knutselen
11: your fear? Alleen (komen te staan)
12: where do you want to be 6 years? Loek
13: where were you last night? Thuis
14: something that you aren't? Asociaal
15: muffins? Jummy!
16: wishlist item? Alles
17: where did you grow up? Limburg
18: last thing you did? Knutselen
19: what are you wearing? Kleren
20: your tv? Uit
21: your pets? Geen :'(
22: best friend? Loek
23: your life? Leuk!
24: your mood? Moe
25: missing someone? Oma
26: vehicle? Colt
27: something you are not wearing? Legging
28: your favorite store? Scrapbookwinkel
29: your favorite colour? Blauw
30: when was the last time you laughed? Gisteren
31: last time you cried? Pas
32: your best friend? Loek
33: one place that i go to over and over? Hobbykamer
34: facebook? Nope
35: favorite place: Thuis
Ik geef m door aan:
1. Mildred
2. Annette
3. Anneke
4. Marley
5. Nicole